Time-saving, energy-efficient baking plus smart baking functions with the SD Touch II. The panel makes everyday baking easier and helps the baker get the best possible results. Time-saving functions are available, such as programmable weekly schedules and recipe management. Achieve the perfect results with precision to the second in baking times, heat settings and steam supply. Baking settings are so simple that anyone can get started with a bake. User-friendly and modern touch panel with clear interface, high definition display, sharp contrast and swipe function. The panel controls the oven's processes, including steam and power saving mode. Can be connected to the Sveba Connect cloud service, but also has features for reading the energy consumption directly from the panel. Time-saving and energy-efficient baking with the best result!
Connect to the cloud
- Sveba Connect.
- Update the panel software with just one click.
- Servicing information, statistics and an overview
of all the connected ovens, in real time.
- Upload, download and share recipes.
Half-rack function
- Adjust the temperature, steam, baking time
and damper time by a factor of 0 to 1, where 1
is a full rack, to suit partially filled oven racks.
Saved settings are activated with a single click.
Preset recipes in the panel
- The oven comes with 11 pre-programmed recipes.
- The pre-installed recipes are based on general
weights and products and not details about raw
materials and type.
- The recipes are in English, but can be easily
translated by the user and saved as a separate
recipe in their own language.
- The recipes available are:
Loaf 500 g, Loaf 800 g, Muffin 60 g,
Roll with steam 70 g, Soft roll 70 g,
Sweet dough pastry 300 g, Toast bread 1200 g,
Baguette 300 g, Cinnamon roll 80 g,
Croissant 70 g, Danish 80 g.
Recipe management
- Save recipes.
- Exact timings to the minute and second
for baking time, temperature, steam and more.
- Add recipes to Favorites for quick access.
Modern touch screen
- Vertical swipe function.
- High resolution display.
Easy clean
- Dust and moisture resistant panel.
- Frameless display at the level of the baking tray.
Programmable weekly schedule
- Prepare work for the week.
- Provide the desired oven temperature and the start/
end times.
- The oven is then pre-heated by the start of the
working day.
Statistics and graphs
- Energy and cost graphs shown directly on the panel.
- Track user statistics from several years ago up to
present day.