Mattias Mårtensson is the businessman behind the very agreeable local attraction, St Jakobs Stone Oven Bakery in Malmö. Mattias owns and runs no fewer than five different bakeries (with another one on the way) in Slottsstaden Malmö, St. Jakobs in Lund, St. Jakobs in Lomma and now St Jakobs Stenugnsbageri, which is centrally located next to Malmö’s new station.
He has 30 employees and bakes seven days a week. His stone-baked wares also include sourdough bread and delicious cakes and pastries.
Mattias Mårtensson has worked many years in the bakery industry and began his career at Ramklint’s patisserie in Lund. There followed a number of years in Greece before he tried his hand working at Stockholm's oldest bakery, Kringelgården. From there, he moved on to Bageri Gatueau, also in Stockholm.
When it was time for Mattias to start his own business, his choice of ovens and supplier was not a difficult one. He had great confidence in Sveba-Dahlen, as he knew their ovens meant problem-free baking. Mattias also enjoyed a good, personal contact with Sveba-Dahlen's sales staff, which is important when setting up a new business. He tells us he has excellent relationships with installers and sales staff alike and that everyone is attentive and helpful whenever a problem needs solving.
Over the years, Mattias has invested in many machines and baking ovens from Sveba-Dahlen, who make it easy to purchase a full range of equipment for a "complete bakery" in a one-stop shop. They have chosen to bake in e.g. deck ovens with stone hearths as their business is a niche, stone oven bakery. "The treats" i.e. confectionery not baked in a stone oven, are baked in V-Series rack ovens that are able to handle large volumes efficiently at consistent quality. Other equipment used by the bakery includes a Fermatic Q4 prover, dough divider, dough sheeter and Smartbox (retarder/prover).
The next investment will be in the covered market in Malmö. He’s chosen eco+ ovens with SD-Touch for installation there.
- “eco+ are fantastic to look at and SD-Touch is absolutely fantastic to work with – truly simple and easy – so I'm really looking forward to the bakery's opening on June 8, 2016," exclaims Matias.
When asked how he feels about the installation of basic equipment in his bakeries, he tells us everything went very well. He also tells us that his bakeries' end products always turn out to be fabulous and he always feels fully confident when he and his personnel are using the baking equipment. He emphasizes how good the service agreement is and that he wishes he had known about it and signed it earlier – it makes ownership of all the equipment so much easier!