Local Sponsorships
We see it as a matter of course to sponsor activities that promote the area in which we are based and where our staff and families can enjoy an active leisure/recreational environment.
Sponsorships in the local area mean that primary recipients are activities in Borås Municipality with municipal district Norr. We also give high priority to allocating sponsorships among various events and sports, thus distributing sponsorships as evenly as possible, regardless of activity or gender.
Today we are proud to sponsor the following associations, activities and clubs: Fristad GoIf, Borås Basket, Borås Handbollsklubb, Sparsörs AIK, KFUM Borås, Fristad Musikkår, Lions i Fristad, Framtid Fristad, Fristad Folkhögskola, Fristad Hembygdsförening, Tämta Ridklubb and Bredareds Golfklubb.