
Create, share and get inspired by recipes from users all over the world! #foodweshare offers detailed recipe data and methods for both the ingredients and the ovens, created by users across the world. Be part of the community and share your recipes and creations! Download recipes and add to the recipe hub with a simple click!

Among the recipes you find recipes from Swedish champion winners from Baker of the Year since 2014. Share your best recipe and let other enjoy it - world wide!


Sveba Connect - create foodweshare
Create and Share - With #foodweshare it is easy and fun to create a recipe in Sveba Connect! Add instructions on how to make the product, which ingredients to use and add the ovens baking parameters. Get the same result everytime! It is easy to upload images of each step in the process and of the baked end-product. Make descriptions, choose which category the product fits in and for how many people. Almost unlimited possibilities! Create, download to your ovens, share your wonderful creation with the world!


Sveba Connect - overview foodweshare
Get Inspired and Download - With #foodweshare it is also possible to find new recipes created by other bakers from all over the world! Browse through the shared recipes or click on a category to find inspiring and tasty recipes. Add any recipe to the Recipe Hub with just a simple click, and from there it is simple to send recipes to the connected ovens. It is as simple as that! Get all the information and settings needed in one click!