To achieve the ambition of becoming the best and most beautiful bakers' training institute, a broad approach was required. The two former bakery rooms on the first floor were completely dismantled and repurposed. The three new rooms are located on the ground floor, which was entirely renovated. The result is three adjacent rooms with a modern look, thanks to the abundance of glass and light.
Bread room: here the school installed a complete set for processing dough, consisting of a reconditioned dough divider, a reconditioned molder, a new rounder and a new intermediate prover with an FCC air-conditioning unit (Sveba Dahlen). The water mixing and dosing system consists of an electronic water dosing and mixing appliance and an ice water chiller. And last but not least, three D-Series stone hearth deck ovens, one C-Series compact rack rotating oven and two Fermatic Q4 retarder provers - all produced by Sveba Dahlen - complete the room.
Finishing room: in this area the school installed work furniture and sinks and a utensil washer with a condensation unit. Since baking activities in this room are limited, it was decided to fit it with a Sveba Dahlen’s S200 mini rotating rack oven with a condensation unit.
Confectionery room: once again, the school used work furniture and sinks and a utensil washer with a condensation unit. The baking equipment comprises of two Sveba Dahlen D-Series deck ovens and two combination oven units that consist of a deck oven with a S200 mini rotating rack oven on top, all from Sveba Dahlen. A retarder prover also completes the setup.
Finally, the shop and chocolate store were fitted with three continuous tempering machines.
Overall this was a magnificent project and Sveba Dahlen is proud to be a part of it!