We’re opening the doors of our newly renovated showroom, Bakery Innovation Center (BIC) Scandinavia – an innovative platform that gives our customers in the pizzeria or bakery business a unique opportunity to develop! The showroom is located at Sveba Dahlen’s offices (Industrivägen 8, Fristad, Sweden).
This inspiring space showcases a wide range of top-quality machines – from bakery and pizza ovens to dough handling equipment. Here our customers will find the tools they need to take their pizza or bakery business to the next level.
But access to state-of-the-art equipment of the highest quality is only one reason to visit our showroom. You can also book an appointment with our experienced Master Baker to get professional guidance on how to best handle our machines. You can do the baking yourself or ask our baker for help. You can also train all your staff at the same time, if your premises lack a fully equipped room in which you can do so.
You can come to us with your recipe and test-run every step in the baking process – from mixing the dough to the finished product. “With all these great opportunities and support, when you buy a bakery machine or oven from us, you can rest assured that it’ll work with your particular dough and your unique products,” says Åsa Ericsson, Marketing Manager at Sveba Dahlen.
To book an appointment at our showroom, contact your sales representative at Sveba Dahlen. Contact information can be found on the company’s website, sveba-dahlen.se. For more information about BIC Scandinavia, click here.
Contact your sales representative here.
Information Contact
Åsa Ericsson Marketing Manager Telephone: +46 (0)725 32 55 80
Niklas Alricsson Sales Manager Telephone: +46 (0)705 34 49 34